Romanian Railway Authority

Romanian Railway Authority - AFER  is set up and is functioning according to the provisions of the Government Ordinance no.95/1998 on setting up public companies subordinated to the Ministry of Transports, Infrastructure and Comunications, amended by the Government Ordinance no. 21/30.01.2003 approved and amended by the  Law no. 238/02.06.2003  and of the Government Decision No.626/1998,amended and supplemented by the Government Ordinance no1561/2006, regarding the organization and functioning of the Romanian Railway Authority - AFER.

Romanian Railway Authority - AFER is a public office with legal structure, subordinated to the Ministry of Transports, Infrastructure and Comunications, entirely financed by extra-budgetary funds, functioning according to the regulations in force.

Romanian Railway Authority - AFER is personal data operator registered under the number 29806.

Romanian Railway Authority - AFER  is the specialized technical body of the Ministry of Transports, Infrastructure and Comunications, notified to ensure, mainly, the next activities:
assessment and monitoring of the interoperability constituents and of the railway structural sub-systems;
monitoring of the meeting with the conditions for the achievement of Romanian railway high speed and conventional trans-European system;
technical authorization and monitoring of the domestic suppliers of railway products and services;
railway register activity, consisting in, mainly, matriculation of the rolling stock and record of the public railway infrastructure;
organization of exams and granting of authorizations, attestations and certifications, if case, for the railway staff;
certifies products, services and quality systems in the environment field, respectively in the occupational health and security, as well as in other fields for which it is authorized at national and international level;
performs periodical training for the attestation of the staff with responsibilities in the quality management system, environment, occupational security and health, as well as of other similar ones, from the units of construction, repair, maintenance, technical control and operation of the rolling stock and railway infrastructure and from other fields for which it was authorized at national level;
performs studies and research in the railway field, priority to the national research programs;
ensures specialized technical assistance and performs experts reports in the railway, subway and urban railway transport;
ensures the records and keeping of the norms, regulations, specifications, instructions, methodologies, procedures and prescriptions afferent to its activity field;
edits, translates, multiplies and prints and trades technical regulations, publications and own works, specific to its activity field;
published, from time to time, the list of the legal persons and individuals to whom, AFER, by its bodies, granted, withdrew or suspended the licenses, certificates, attestations, authorizations, homologation documents or other similar ones;
other duties specific to its activity field, entrusted to it by legal papers.